WAFTING - tradução para árabe
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WAFTING - tradução para árabe



نَسِيم ; نَفْحَة ( الرِّيحِ ) ; نَفْخَة ; هَوَاء


هَبَّتِ الرَّائِحَةُ

رائحة خفيفة      
إشارة لإتجاه الريح      


·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Waft.
Exemplos de pronúncia para WAFTING
1. and it's wafting into your apartment
Susan McPherson _ The Lost Art of Connecting _ Talks at Google
2. is wafting over the seat, you think,
3. the sound of Chewbacca by wafting some milky bread
How Star Wars Conquered the Universe _ Chris Taylor _ Talks at Google
4. this nice, cool night breeze wafting over them.
5. and you can smell it wafting through the hallways,
Food As The Great Connector _ Chef Michael Schlow _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para WAFTING
1. News footage showed smoke wafting on the horizon following the airstrikes in the southern port city.
2. The muted laughter wafting into the street had a brittle edge, the conversations focused on violence.
3. He beat the air with a towel, wafting the hottest thermals my way.
4. Firetrucks rushed to the scene, where the smell of gas was wafting in the air.
5. Her leaving party was heaven÷ divine snacks, balmy evening, scent of summer jasmine wafting about.